Friday, August 4, 2017

Painting Lords of Oblivion - part 3

You'd think after fifteen years in this hobby, I'd learn to be a faster painter. But nope. It's just not going to happen, I guess.

Anyway, here's part three!

I'm actually gonna go over bases first, since I worked on some of them for the Golden Rhino tournament. I use a flagstone theme for the Lords of Oblivion.

These bases are going to come out looking a little different from the existing bases in my army, but unfortunately, there's not much I can do about that, as the colors I used before simply don't exist any more. They were mostly done with the old Citadel Foundation paints. I still kinda miss some of those colors.

Anyway, here's what I can do with what I've got.

First up for the base colors, I did Khorne Red, Steel Legion Drab, and Macragge Blue. I know it looks more like stained glass right now, but we'll get that taken care of.

Next I run watered down Rhinox Hide into all the cracks between the stones, plus non-watered along the edges of the bases. On further consideration afterwards, I probably should have just painted the whole bases in the color before I did the base color on the stones, it would have probably gone slightly faster than trying to be careful doing it in just the cracks. Oh well, live and learn.

After that comes a heavy wash of Agrax Earthshade, everyone's favorite. Of course details start showing up on the bases, but we're just getting started on that.

Once the wash is dried, I do a heavy drybrush of Baneblade Brown. This of course starts highlighting the raised areas, and begins to really start to wash out the color, making the various tiles more uniform, but still looking like different kinds of stone were used.

I do a second, very light, wash of Agrax again to balance out the heavy drybrushing, then a light drybrush of Ushabti Bone for the most raised areas. Quite a transformation from the start, huh? Since the older bases have "moss" sculpted into them, and these don't, not sure why, I added a few tufts of grass to further help them match the previous bases.

OK, NOW we'll actually cover some highlighting. I do a two-stage process for both the green and blue.

Stage one for the green is done with 75% Warpstone Glow, and 25% Dark Angels Green added so it's better chromatically linked to the existing main color. Pretty standard process, thick lines along any edges on the armor. As it is right now, obviously it's a bit subtle. I had also already done full highlighting on the scaled shoulderpads, mostly through drybrushing.

Stage two is 75% Moot Green, and 25% Warpstone Glow. Take a tiny brush, and run a thin line of the stuff along just the very edges of the armor. It's a little on the extreme side, I guess, but it really pops on the tabletop with a full army of them. I actually used to go all the way to Scorpion Green, when that paint was still a thing, but I suppose that might have been going a little too far, heh.

Finally, highlighting for the blue parts of the armor. Thankfully this part is way faster than the green, since there's a lot less armor to highlight. Man, just the legs alone on these guys... frigging GW and their obsession with adding a bajillion little details to everything.

Anyway, stage one highlighting for blue is 75% Teclis Blue, 25% Altdorf Guard Blue. Same principles as the green, helps create a more subtle blend.

And lastly we do a highlight of 75% Lothern Blue and 25% Teclis Blue along the very edges of everything. Again, faster than the blue. I think it comes out as a slightly less stark highlight than the green, perhaps because the base color for the blue is lighter than the base green. Either way, these guys are finally starting to look ready for the battlefield.

Next time we'll go over the final details, and wrap things up!

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